Acceptable cards are Mastercard and Visa. We no longer accept American Express. Cardholder will be verified before payment is accepted.
You must have the cause number available to make a web or phone payment through the
Pay only fees ordered to the C.S.C.D. through the Certified Payments Portal. Remember to add $2.00 (CSCD Transaction Fee) to the amount you intend to pay on your case so that you remain current. A payment of $2.00 or less, by itself, will not be accepted and will be rejected and reversed to the individual's bank. Additionally, Certified Payments charges a 2.75% convenience fee separate from the C.S.C.D. Payment and is calculated on the amount paid to the C.S.C.D.
Finally, please note that it takes 2-3 business days for a credit card payment to clear our bank and to be posted to your account. Allow ample time for proper credit.
Probation fees: An individual, who is on community supervision and is assessed a monthly probation fee, may pay ahead up to six (6) months for a total of $360.
Other court-ordered fees: An individual, who is on community supervision, and who is assessed other court-ordered fees, may pay ahead or pay off UA fees, Crime Stoppers, and restitution ordered by the court if current on probation fees. Rev. CSCD Policy 7.02-C, 5/23/22
Note: Related to either of the above, if a credit card payment is overpaid to the CSCD, the CSCD will reverse the overage amount to the individual's bank before applying the payment to the individual's account at the CSCD.
Wichita County
Community Supervision & Corrections
Serving the Courts of
Wichita County, Texas
How to Make a C.S.C.D.
Credit Card Payment
Contact Information
600 Scott Ave, Suite 101
Wichita Falls, Texas 76301
Phone: 940-766-8100
Fax: 940-766-8109
You will need to enter the cause number and name as it appears on the court paperwork in order to receive proper credit on the case being paid.
Phone Payments
Dial: 1-866-549-1010
You will enter the C.S.C.D.'s Bureau Code 5053240 at the prompt. Then you will be asked to enter your reference number which is the cause number. Enter or say as much identifying information that is requested to receive proper credit on the case being paid.