Wichita County
Community Supervision & Corrections
Serving the Courts of
Wichita County, Texas
Mental Health Program
This program is operated in cooperation with the Helen Farabee Center. The program teams a probation officer and a qualified mental health professional to coordinate and provide supervision and mental health services. This program is designed to supervise defendants who have a mental health diagnosis and who meet the requirements established by TACOOMI. A defendant is placed in the program at the discretion of this department to provide intensive supervision and to access and coordinate mental health services with the local mental health authority. A defendant in this program is expected to cooperate with medication and counseling services through the Helen Farabee Center and with the supervising probation officer.
Sex Offender Program
Offenders who are on community supervision for a sex offense are placed by the court in the Sex Offender Treatment Program. This program provides intensive supervision of the offender by the supervising probation officer and the treatment provider who works closely as a team in monitoring the activities of the offender. The offender is required to attend weekly sex offender group sessions and monthly individual counseling sessions. The offender is required to pay at least half of the cost of treatment. The offender must submit to and pass annual polygraph examinations and complete all assignments of the treatment program. In addition to the defendant’s attendance at weekly group, the supervising officer must have a minimum of three face-to-face contacts with the defendant each month.
Substance Abuse Program
Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility (SAFPF) offenders are court-ordered to attend and successfully complete the Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility. In addition, the offender is required to participate in and complete outpatient aftercare in the community for up to eighteen months following successful discharge from SAFPF. The supervising officer and the outpatient treatment program work as a team to break the cycle of addiction through intensive supervision and contact that includes regular drug testing and additional face-to-face contacts with the supervising officer.
Multiple DWI offenders are court-ordered into the program for minimum of one year. Offenders in the program are required to attend AA or NA regularly and submit to regular drug testing. The offender must attend and complete several classes including the Victim Impact Panel and the DWI Intervention Program. The offender is provided intensive supervision which includes additional face-to-face contacts with the supervising officer.
Contact Information
600 Scott Ave, Suite 101
Wichita Falls, Texas 76301
Phone: 940-766-8100
Fax: 940-766-8109